Articles :
M. Lacour and S. Izui (1991) Lack of anti-DNA precursors in lambda chain-bearing B lymphocytes in (NZBxNZW)F1 mice. Evidence for the contribution of Vk genes to anti-DNA specificity. Eur J Immunol 21:839-842.
M. Lacour, M. Duarte, A. Beutler, R. Auckenthaler and S. Suter (1991) Osteoarticular Infections due to Kingella Kingae in Children (Review). Eur J Pediatr 150:612-618.
M. Lacour and C. Le Coultre (1991) Spray-induced frostbite in a child : a new hazard with novel aerosol propellants. Ped Dermatol 8(3): 207-209.
M. Lacour (1992) Questions et réponses: Acyclovir et grossesse. Dermatol Helvetica 185(1):23-24.
M. Lacour, M. Maherzi, H. Vienny and S. Suter (1993) Thrombocytopenia in a case of neonatal mumps infection: evidence for further clinical presentations. Eur J Pediatr 152:739-741.
M. Lacour and C. Hauser (1993) The role of microorganisms in atopic dermatitis. Clin Rev Allergy 11:491-522.
M. Lacour (1994) Acute infections in atopic dermatitis: a clue for a pathogenic role of a Th1/Th2 imbalance ? Dermatology 188:255-257.
M. Lacour (1994) Commentaire sur le syndrome de Kawazaki. La sélection bibliographique du mois. Ann Dermatol Venereol 121:520-521.
M. Lacour, KM. Müller, J-F. Arrighi, C. Carlberg, C. Hauser, J-H Saurat (1994) Cyclic-AMP upregulates IL-4 and IL-5 expression in CD4+ T cells, while decreasing IL-2 and NF-AT induction. Int Immunol 6:1333-1343.
M. Lacour, M. Harms (1994) Gianotti-Crosti syndrome as a result of vaccination and Ebstein-Barr infection. Eur J Ped 154: 688-689.
M. Lacour, BD. Lake (1995) Rapid laboratory confirmation of Fabry’s disease: a reminder. Br J Dermatol 132:339-340.
M. Lacour, B. Mehta-Nikhar, DJ. Atherton, JI. Harper. (1996) An appraisal of acitretin therapy in children with inherited disorders of keratinization. Br J Dermatol 134:1023-1029.
M. Lacour, H. Middleton-Price, JI. Harper (1996) Confirmation of linkage of Sjögren-Larsson syndrome to chromosome 17. J Med Genet, J Med Genet 33:258-259.
M. Lacour, S. Syed, J. Linward, JI Harper (1996) The role of the pulsed-dye laser in the management of ulcerated capillary haemangiomas. Arch Dis Child 74:161-163.
M. Lacour (1996) Update on Sjögren-Larsson syndrome. Dermatology 193:77-82.
M. Lacour (2004) Nouvelles de dermatologie pédiatrique. Paediatrica 15(5):67.
M. Lacour, KM. Posfay-Barbe, GC La Scala (2015) Staphylococcal lugdunensis abscesses complicating molluscum contagiosum in two children. Ped Dermatol 32(2):289-91.
M. Starobinsky, M. Lacour, L. Reiniger and S. Izui (1989) Autoantibody Repertoire Analysis in Normal and Lupus-prone Mice. J Autoimmun 2: 657-674.
L. Reininger, T. Shibata, S. Schurmans, R. Merino, L. Fossati, M. Lacour and S. Izui (1990) Spontaneous Production of Anti-mouse Red Blood Cell Autoantibodies is Independant of the Polyclonal Activation in NZB Mice. Eur J Immunol 20:2405-2410.
R. Merino, L. Fossati, M. Lacour and S. Izui (1990) Selective Autoantibody Production by Yaa+ B Cells in Autoimmune Yaa+-Yaa-Bone Marrow Chimeric Mice. J Exp Med 174:1023-1027.
R. Merino, L. Fossati, M. Lacour, R. Lemoine, M. Higaki and S. Izui (1992) H-2 Linked Control of the Yaa Gene-Induced Acceleration of Lupus-Like Autoimmune Disease in BXSB Mice. Eur J Immunol 22:295-299.
DS. Halpérin, M. Lacour, E. Girardin, C. Ruef, L. Paunier, P. Wacker, M. Wyss (1992) Severe reversible renal failure induced by recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in a child with chronic acquired agranulocytosis. In: Freund, Link, Schmidt, Welte eds. Cytokines in Hemopoiesis, oncology, and AIDS II. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 511-520.
E. Masgrau-Peya, M. Lacour, D. Salomon (1995) Topical phenytoin accelerates healing in epidermolysis bullosa simplex [letter]. Dermatology 190:254.
EM. Rosser, CM. Hall, JI. Harper, M. Lacour, M. Baraitser (1995) Nance-Sweeney chondrodysplasia – a further case? Clin Dysmorphol 5:207-212.
S. Wirth, M. Lacour, F. Jaunin, C. Hauser (1996) Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) differentially regulates IL-4 in thymocytes subsets Thymus 24:101-109.
LD Corden, JE Mellerio, MJ Gratian, RA Eady, JI Harper, M Lacour, G Magee, EB Lane, JA McGrath, WH McLean (1998) Homozygous nonsense mutation in helix 2 of K14 causes severe recessive epidermolysis bullosa simplex. Hum Mutat 11:279-285.
FS Haddad, M Lacour, JI Harper, JA Fixsen (1999) The orthopaedic presentation and management of Sjögren-Larsson syndrome. J Pediatr Orthop 19:617-619.
JI Harper, I Ahmed, G Barclay, M Lacour, P Hoeger, MJ Cork, AY Finlay, NJ Wilson, RA Graham-Brown, JM Sowden, AL Beard, MJ Summer, J Berth-Jones (2000) Cyclosporin for severe childhood atopic dermatitis : short course versus continuous therapy. Br J Dermatol 142:52-58.
SJ Meggitt, JI Harper, M Lacour, AEM Taylor (2002) Raised limb bands developing in infancy. Br J Dermatol 147;359-63
L Marquardt, M Lacour, M Hoernes, L Opitz, R Lecca, B Volkmer, J Reichebach, D Hohl, M Ansari, H Oszahin, T Güngor, J Pachlopnil Schmid. (2016) Unusual dermatological presentation and immune phenotype in SCID due to an IL7R mutation : the value of whole-exome sequencing and the potential benefit of newborn screening. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol
Chapitres /livres :
C. Hauser, C. Prins, M. Lacour (1995) The role of infectious agents in atopic dermatitis. In: Atopic dermatitis: from pathogenesis to treatment. DYM Leung, ed., Medical Intelligence Unit. Chapman & Hall, pp 67-112.
A-M Calza, M. Lacour, J-H Saurat (1995) Dermatologie, chap. 39. In: Précis de Pédiatrie. PC. Sizonenko, C. Griscelli, ed. Payot, pp 1328-1355.
M. Lacour and J-H Saurat. (1996) Cutaneous lesions in primary immunodeficiencies. In: Inherited skin disorders: the genodermatoses, JI. Harper, ed. Butterworth & Heinemann. pp 284-308.
M. Lacour (2000) 1.- Marfan syndrome, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Bushke-Ollendorff, Atrophoderma (pp 1286-1291). 2.- Disorders of the fat tissue (pp 1397-1411). In: Textbook of Paediatric Dermatology. JI. Harper, N. Prose, AP. Oranje, ed.
M. Lacour (2005) 1.- Marfan syndrome, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Bushke-Ollendorff, Atrophoderma (pp 1671-1688). 2.- Disorders of the fat tissue (pp 1629-1643). In: Textbook of Paediatric Dermatology (2nd ed.). JI. Harper, N. Prose, AP. Oranje, ed.
M. Lacour (2011) 1.- Marfan syndrome, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Bushke-Ollendorff, Atrophoderma (pp 145.1 – 145.21). 2.- Disorders of the fat tissue (pp 141.1 – 141.19). In: Harper’s Textbook of Paediatric Dermatology (3rd ed.). Hoeger, & al., ed.
M. Lacour (2020) 1.- , Bushke-Ollendorf syndrome, Marfan syndrome, Osteogenesis Imperfecta. pp 1139-50. Anetodermas and Atrophodermas pp 1151-63. In: Harper’s Textbook of Paediatric Dermatology (4th ed.). Hoeger P, Kinsler V, Yan A, ed. Wiley Blackwell